Eosso Brothers Paving

Eosso Brothers Paving is widely regarded as the foremost option in New Jersey for commercial and residential paving services. Specializing in projects for condominiums, townhomes, retirement communities, and office complexes.
Following the successful negotiation with Pave America and its 23 associated brands, we assumed responsibility for revamping their websites to establish a unified identity across all brands.
Our main goal was to ensure that each sub-brand adhered to its respective branding guidelines while also aligning with the updated appearance of the parent site, achieving a cohesive and unified visual identity.

Following the redesign of the parent brand, which serves as the umbrella for all sub-brands, each team member was assigned a set of websites to oversee. Their responsibility included ensuring the seamless transfer of content from the existing websites to the new platform.

Taking charge of Eosso Brothers, I ensured a smooth migration of information to the new design. I harmonized the colors with the sub-brand’s branding and created graphics to unify the brand’s identity.

Quality assurance was conducted to ensure that none of the parent brand’s information leaked over and to verify that everything was responsive and met the required standards.

Due to the significant workload of acquiring 24 new websites, we streamlined the process by developing templates and collaborating as a team. This ensured prompt delivery and effective management of the client’s brands, ultimately leading to their satisfaction.